Tuesday, July 21, 2009


There's nothing to see here. As you know, prominent white academics are arrested in their own homes all the time. After showing ID. By cops responding to reports of a possible burglary. Why wouldn't the cops arrest a prominent white member of the community in such circumstances? They'd practically have to!

And let's be clear. Gates wasn't arrested for burglary. It was for disorderly conduct. If Gates had been able to control himself, he wouldn't be in any trouble at all! And what did he have to be upset about? Nothing. Of course the cops assumed he was robbing his own house. Gates would have assumed the same thing if he'd only taken the time to look in the mirror.

Frankly, I resent Gates for taking umbrage. The cops were there to protect him. They're on his side. How could he not know that?

Oversensitivity, that's the story here. If there is one, I mean. Which there isn't. Nothing to see here. Nothing at all.